Sunday, April 15, 2012

Yarmouth, Freeport, Camden, Rockland, MAINE!

After an 8:15 wake up call and breakfast at the hotel, we loaded the buses and set out for all that the day had in store!

Our first stop today was Yarmouth, Maine - home of Eartha, the world’s largest globe! We took some time to look through the gift shop of the Delorme building which hosts the globe. Some students made purchases and, of course, the students took the opportunity to sing! The building has three balcony levels over looking the globe. The students equally spaced themselves and sang a few songs from their repertoire. The acoustics were wonderful and we used the opportunity to show the love of God to museum staff and guests.

After Eartha, we drove just up the street to Freeport, Maine. Freeport is a wonderful little town that also happens to be the headquarters of L.L. Bean Outfitters (there were four individual stores within sight of each other!). We stopped some outlet stores for about two hours and the students were able to stretch their legs, enjoy some food, and do some shopping.

Our next stop was about an hour and a half northeast in the town of Camden, Maine. We only spent about forty-five minutes here, but the students were able to walk along the rocky shore and some of them even climbed some rocks and wade into the water.


A short drive from Camden found us in Rockland, Maine. We stopped here for dinner, but none of the restaurants were large enough to hold our whole group so we divided into four smaller groups. Two groups went to local seafood restaurants while the other two found a Mexican restaurant. Once again, God blessed us with delicious food and wholesome fellowship. We thanked our servers with singing as usual.


Our final actual destination for today was Littlefield Memorial Baptist Church. We arrived at about 5:45. The church was beautiful and God blessed us with an opportunity to sing there. The church is actually the home church of Art Hill, former principle of AACS and friend of the choral program. It was Art who invited us to his church and it was wonderful to be able to sing for the people of Rockland.


The students and audience members could really feel the presence of God tonight. God can move greatly and He did tonight in the students' performance. Praise be to God!

On the ride back to the hotel, both buses spent the majority of the time singing hymns and worship songs together mixed with prayer and reflection. God has been faithful to establish lasting relationships and memories. Isn’t it wonderful that the fondest memories we have from the trip are centered around bringing praise to God? May that always be our focus and goal!

Today’s tweets:

Jodi Hoffman (sophomore)
"Yay, we're at the world's largest globe!" "Isn’t the world's largest globe actually....u know, the earth?"

Nicole Densmoor (sophomore)
Flash mob at the world's largest globe

Jane Brown (principle)
The closing song moves me every time. God is so good.

Amanda Densmoor (freshman)
That awkward moment when you get stuck in an elevator with 27 girls..

Jodi Hoffman (sophomore)
Most amazing night ever! God, I thank you for working in all our hearts and showing us how amazing you are!

God has truly shown us during this trip what it means to operate in community and to have a fellowship of believers who strive for a common goal. He has helped us deal with obstacles and has remained faithful as always. We thank him and praise him for his faithfulness and compassion. We thank him for the protection and safety he has provided thus far on the trip and was continue to pray for wisdom, safety, rest, presence of mind, and that God’s name will be above ours. As the Latin saying goes, “Soli Deo Gloria” or “to God alone be the glory”. May that be our prayer today and always.

Today’s verse:
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”
 – I Corinthians 15: 58

All for him!

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